Self-Tapes | on-camera or voiceover

30 minutes … $40.00 (minimum charge)
45 minutes … $56.00
60 minutes … $75.00
90 minutes … $112.00
120 minutes … $150.00

(Additional time is $1.25 per minute)
Scroll down to see your options to save money.

The last 10-20 minutes of your session is used to import files, edit, label, export & upload, so please keep that in mind when you request your session time.

If you prefer to edit and send on your own, just bring a
USB 3.0 flash drive and we’ll copy the raw files on there for you -OR- we can send to you via WeTransfer or AirDrop.

For sessions BEFORE or AFTER our regular business hours, an additional $25 fee may apply.

✧✦ VIP Subscriber Cards ✦✧

If you live here in New York City or if you’re here frequently and need to self-tape often, consider these discounts below:

Buy a 5-hour punchcard for $350 and save $25.00. ($375 value)

Buy a 10-hour punchcard for $600 and save $150.00. ($750 value)

*We accept Venmo or c a s h

What to expect for your session :

1. We'll do a quick on-camera test.

2. We’ll then rehearse at least once and then record & review as many takes as time allows before making your final choice(s). (If you’re taping monologues and you’re already prepared, then rehearsals are usually unnecessary.)

3. We’ll then import files, edit, upload and SEND.

• If you’d like us to upload your tape directly to actors access, Backstage, Casting Networks, Cast It Talent, YouTube or Vimeo° for you while you’re here, please remember to have your login information with you.

°Please note: all this will take an additional 10-20 minutes, depending on the length of the scenes and how many files we have to label & upload. So please make sure to book enough time for your session.

Demo Reel Editing | $400

Collect and send to us your high quality video clips, have a general idea of what you'd like to include in your reel and we'll prepare everything to edit for you.